Video game tracking database partially inspired by IMDb. This is not meant as an exhaustive list of every video game ever, but as a way for users to keep a list of the games they have completed or just own and any achivements or accomplishments as well. Users are encouraged to add new games that are not already in the system or update any info that is incorrect, similar to Wikipedia.
This is a labor of love made by one person as a side project and not meant for commercial use. Comments and suggestions are very welcome and encouraged via the Contact Us page. For any suggestsions, please include an example or two and any links, as this is most helpful. Please keep in mind that a solo developer can only do so much and while something like a dedicated iOS or Android app may be possible, it's not something that is currently on the table.
Because it's cool? I mean it's up to you, but the main feature is not only keeping track of games that you've played or own, but adding and tracking accomplishments. Think of it like haveing achivements for games that don't have them. For example, Super Mario Bros. was released long before Steam or online play, but with this system, you can keep track of the fact that you finihsed it without using any warp zones. Then you can not only see who else has done the same, but challenge others to new accomplishments like reaching World -1. Accomplishments are added by users so creativity is encouraged.
There's no way one person could possibly add every game for most platforms. I luckily found a project on GitHub that was a good starting point. I started with the dataset from and imported it into the system. I had to clean up some things to make it easier to import and took a few liberties with how associations were made. I didn't create this dataset and it was last updated 3 years ago at this point so some games are either missing or possibly have wrong info. The original plan was to have users add games as they used the system so it would be user driven data, but while searching for test data I came across the project mentioned above. There was no license attached to the project or any way to identify who compiled the list of games so while I want to give all the credit to them, all I can do is link to the project directly and say thanks.